Working Remotely — A Way Of Cultural Enrichment

4 min readOct 11, 2022


working remotely a way of cultural enrichment

Everyone brings their own cultural perspective and people forget to learn from each other. I tend to discover that I am not too far away from others, and this gives me the opportunity to empathize with people of other cultures, backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, or even religions.

With the COVID-19 pandemic leaving much of the world working from home overnight, the need to establish processes to build culture is more relevant than ever. The need for interpersonal interaction is even greater than the need for building culture, but it can be difficult when people from different cultures work together if they do not work under one roof at the same time. Since distant teams are physically far apart, building their culture is a big challenge.

Communicate Your Company Culture

By investing time and effort, companies can build a culture that unites their teams to attract and retain top talent. Once the recruitment team can assess whether potential recruitment is culturally appropriate, it must invest in developing a strong corporate culture. By investing in the full use of collaboration technology, managers will build their teams positively on-site and remotely. If you want to help your team succeed in the moment of forced remote work, look no further than the online program we have just launched.

Encourage Positive Environment

Organizational leaders should ensure that negative interactions between employees are minimized by proactively mediating early on, resolving differences, and building a culture of open communication that fosters trust and relationship building. Once employers and employees get a better understanding of the environment they find themselves in, business leaders can focus on maintaining employee morale and a positive corporate culture in remote environments.

Pick the Right Communication Tool

Of course, communication goes both ways, but remote staff must take the initiative to reach out to their local colleagues and their colleagues in the local community. Bringing employees to the construction site regularly from afar, sending them treats and opening them up to local employees simultaneously, and offering them opportunities to talk to local employees, such as a weekly meeting or team building event, can further enrich the remote experience. These tools allow companies to foster interaction and shared culture.

Encourage Open Communication and Feedback

Ask your staff to observe the process closely and tell you what worked and what didn’t. When you think about how to make the most of working with your team remotely, make it a priority to communicate well, enable effective conflict, provide feedback, and pay for it.

Welcome New Employees in Front of the Team

Most companies will take a moment to welcome a new employee to the team, and companies with remote teams should be no exception. They can simply use e-mail or messaging apps instead of sharing the news in person. You should encourage any new workers to schedule meetings with as many of the team as they feel comfortable with, especially those to whom they are not reporting or in different departments.

Encourage Fun Interactions

Virtual teams may not have a physical office, but they may use technology to build virtual space similar to that. For example, messaging tools like Slack and Flock allow team members to participate in fun employee polls and channels where they can talk about favorite shows and music from books or movies to anything. Using fun interactions among the team, companies can promote engagement and a sense of shared culture.

Online Team Building and Learning

One of the easiest and most productive ways to get started with online team bonding is to bring the remote workers together on a video call and invite an expert to lead the session. You will expect this expert to talk about efficiency, inspiration, problem-solving, collaboration, and remote work of course. This needs to be continuous operation, routed in the culture of your team and organization to be truly successful.

Ideally, your team has already established ground rules and promoted a distant, friendly culture to mitigate some of the challenges. You need to rethink everyone’s contributions and reshape how the team works together in a compulsively remote environment. The team will have to experiment and deal with personal issues, but ideally, they have already laid down some basics — rules.

To thrive in the new normal, you need to redesign how your team members work together to keep the culture alive. Even if things are not as smooth as they used to be, maintaining the crops in times of crisis will prepare the team for success.

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Originally published at by Sheetal Munjal.




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