Where To Hire Game Developers

5 min readJun 28, 2022


When it comes to hiring someone to take care of building games and content for your business you want someone who really knows what they’re doing, and that means hiring game developers that are skilled in their area. Of course, you need to know just where to find them and how to make sure they know how to do the things you want them to do. So, where do you get started?

Starting Out

The first thing is to locate the game developers that you might want to hire. That’s actually the easy part because there are game developers all over. In fact, you can find them on freelance websites, specialty sites for game developers, and even traditional job search sites. That’s because game developers are looking for work in many of the same places and ways that anyone else is.

With freelance websites, you can easily find game developers who are looking for simple work or one-off projects that will help you get started on a project. You can still find some that are looking for longer-term work on these websites if you’re interested in someone that will maintain your game later on as well.

Next, you can check out specialty websites where game developers tend to be or websites that are designed only for those looking to hire a game developer. These sites are available all over including Vironit.com, Southgamesstudio.com, or even Hackerrank.com, though you’ll find plenty of others as well.

Finally, traditional job sites are a great place for you to find game developers as well as professionals for just about anything else you could possibly want for your company, website, or game. These websites and the specialty websites however most often the developer is looking for longer-term work rather than short-term contracts.

Finding the Right Game Developer

Just finding a game developer is only part of the process, however. You’ll also need to find someone that can actually take care of the work that you need to be done. That means doing some research before you get started to make sure you know what you’re looking for, and it means doing some screening when you’re going through applicants to make sure they can do what you need.

1. What You Need — First, make sure you know what you’re actually looking for and what you need. This might be someone who can create your game from scratch or someone who can take what you already have and update or upgrade it. Maybe you just need some minor fixes or bugs worked out, or maybe you have an entirely new idea. No matter what you’re looking for, make sure you lay it all out for yourself.

2. Create a Posting — You can then create a job posting that outlines just what you’re looking for. You’ll want to spell things out in a way that you can understand rather than trying to use words or terms that are geared toward a game developer if you don’t understand them. You don’t want to mislead someone unintentionally about what the project entails by using the wrong terminology.

3. Search through Applicants — You can actually search through the people who apply to your job or you can search on many of these sites to find someone that you think might be a good fit. Or you can do a little of both (which is generally the best way). Then you can locate a range of different applicants that might be able to take care of what you need.

4. Screen Your Applicants — Having a basic understanding of game development and what is needed for the project at hand is a good idea because it’s going to help you with the screening process. You’ll be able to eliminate candidates or applicants that are not able to take care of the tasks you need. That might take some time and effort for you to locate the right fit for your needs.

5. Conduct Your Interviews — The next step is to make sure that you are conducting interviews with the people who may have the best qualifications. Just because they look good on paper doesn’t mean that they are going to be the best option for you or your game development. You want to make sure that you are comfortable with them and that you feel confident they can do what you’re looking for. It starts with questions like these.

6. Choose Your Developer — Finally, choose the person you want to work with and get started on your game development. You need them to be able to get started right away and you definitely want to make sure that you follow up to keep your development process going smoothly. When they’re done you should have the game that you wanted and you should have an agreement for any additional work.

7. Sit Back and Wait — Your game will be set up for you from there and you won’t have to worry about anything else with the process. After all, that’s why you hired a game developer, right?

Keeping it Going

Once you’ve got your game developed and ready to go all you need to do is make sure that it’s going to stay up and running and that everything will be taken care of along the way. This is something that you could set up with the developer that you hire to create the game or it could be something that you choose to do later with a different developer as needed.

Are you ready to get started with your game development process? Are you ready to take a closer look at what’s out there and what kind of developers are able to work on your game? How about choosing someone who will keep your current game going and even add on new ones? You’re going to be more than happy with the results and the fact that your game (and any new ones you want to create) will be the perfect fit for your business.

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Originally published at Upstack.co on Mar 7, 2022, by Samantha Dewitt.




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