The Upstack Hackathon 2019 is in line with the motto “Building a community that matters”. Collaboration and sharing experience in the domain of programming is the main objective of this year’s hackathon.
Main idea: The Upstack Meet-up platform/app
Upstack has a huge community of software professionals (#remotewarriors), a lot of which travel around the globe. By creating the Upstack Meet-up platform/app, we would like to encourage them to meet each other, while traveling and of course become friends, helping our community become more close-knit. Another cool benefit would be that users can also couch surf using this app. #coachsurfing done right!
The platform/app will allow users to see the map of the world, find #remotewarriors in locations that they want to visit, connect and meet up in those locations.
Teams will have 1 business week, prior to the event, to work together:
- to come up with an idea
- to design their idea
- to create a short plan that shows the effectiveness of their product and what makes it unique
Talking about teams…
We are proud to announce that this year’s hackathon has no less than 6 teams and a ton of enthusiasm!
Team 1 — “Team one or won”
Team 2 — “Rush Hour Hong Kong”
Team 3 — “Expansion”
Team 4 — “Shift + 4 = $”
Team 5 — “On Our Way”
Team 6 — “Straight off the Couch”
Now that we have presented the teams, we only have to show you some cool behind the scenes pictures!
The plans are in progress — and we are keeping an eye on the participants; creativity is fully present, many cool ideas that can turn into real projects in the future! So stay tuned… More updates will come!
We wish them good luck once again!
One of our missions here at Upstack is to progress. The only way you can do that is with people.
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