Through trial and error, we have found here at Upstack that remote talent is quite the future. The barriers have been long broken and the universality of the English language makes any type of project work as it should.
We have found 4 reasons to build your software team with remote talent to be the most important reasons for which you should take into consideration a remote team. We do encourage our clients to go remote as you get more benefits than dealing with an office.
It’s really hard to find talent locally
Wherever in the US, it can be really hard for startups to find reliable and in budget talent. Remember you are battling big names on the market that are competing for the same talent as you are.
Even fresh graduates are more inclined to tackle great big companies that develop software that is used by even millions of users, rather than to head for a startup. When it comes to senior developers, well, as much as we’re sure you would just love such a developer on your project, seniority can reach a top budget. A heartfelt project might spark interest for either of them but the chances are not that optimistic.
That’s why we recommend to open up to a pool of talent beyond your city or even the US. Go international. Opening up to a global pool will increase the finding of great talent for your company.
Limiting yourself to local talent can exponentially increase your expenses on salaries. By going remote you actually drop some of these expenses that might come from:
- managing an office,
- having an entire HR team,
- dropping taxes as you are getting involved in the global economy.
This can lead to a 10–20% deduction or even to dropping your development costs to half. It’s an aspect that can be a really sensitive spot for those startups that are cost-conscious.
Diversity in people
Attacking a more global pool will actually increase also the ideas and visions that other people might have.
If you limit yourself locally, you engage in people similar to you and your beliefs that also have similar character traits. When you’re searching remote, of course, you want people to relate too, but these people share a different environment and culture and can bring great insight to your product. In our opinion, this can be only a benefit to any startup.
Work-life balance
One of the biggest issues we have right now when it comes to choosing a workplace is how long is the commute. Each day we lose around 2–3 hours on it, and it only makes us get to work already tired, or at home already annoyed.
Working closer to home, in a co-working space or your home office means that you can be available right away and also that you can split your working day into however you wish:
- Keep your meetings in the morning
- Do your searches in the afternoon
- Develop on your project late at night.
It can be lonely and challenging not being surrounded by colleagues, but it can also be fulfilling in choosing your schedule in accordance with your life, so you can actually spend also quality time with friends and family.