Remote Working Culture: The Key To Productivity And Efficiency In A Distributed Workplace

4 min readNov 4, 2021


Speaking to Al Jazeera, on the new covid 19 variants, Dr. Amir Khan narrates his little chat with one of the nurses he works with: “It’s a crafty little burger this virus, isn’t it? Just when you think we’re nearly there, it mutates and gets away from us.”

She’s spot on with her assessment. The tide did appear to be turning, and some companies were gradually returning to on-site operations. But with the new covid 19 variant: the Delta variant, which is 60% more infectious% than the previous one, it is obvious now that the already accelerated remote working marketplace is bound to receive more traction.

Now companies who couldn’t get it right the first time ask: How can we guarantee productivity in remote working? How do we run a remote operation and get the most out of our team?

Upstack provides first-hand answers to these questions and more.

Since our inception, Upstack has built an extensive network of the distributed workforce: efficient and productive in many ways. And from our experience, we’ve learned that building and sustaining a working culture is the key to a successful remote working environment.

Therefore, in this article, we’ll discuss the need for a remote working culture, how to build one, and ways you can sustain it.

Why is Culture Integral for Remote Working?

Firstly, we need to put this out there: Remote or on-site, meticulously bred culture should be one of the core components of any company. That said, it is of even higher importance when it comes to remote working.

Why is that?

In an on-office environment, the availability of physical spaces and shared experiences make it easier to build a culture as you can easily rely on them. In other words, small details, such as dressing styles, communication, how and when each member of staff takes lunch breaks, or how meetings are held, when structured properly, are essential and can serve as the basis for building work culture.

However, in a remote working environment, such luxury is absent. Therefore, you must innovate new ways to define your culture. For us, that means building a company culture on the foundation that is shared values, vision, and behavior. That said, It is important that we create a remote working environment where its members feel vital, understand the company values, and also work towards attaining a general goal.

How to Create a Culture Based on Shared Values, Vision, and Behavior

Define your Company values and ensure their strict adherence.

Identifying values that’ll help you achieve your company’s vision is the first step to building a value-based culture. This way, you can inform your full remote working process, from hiring, on-boarding, team meetings, one-on-ones, and so on. For example, you can craft a story that attracts talents that believe in your values.

So, how can you define these values?

Having researched top fully remote companies, Upstack included and assessed their values. I noticed they all have a few things in common. And you can use these commonalities as a skeleton for identifying your company values.

Their values are structured to:

  1. Achieve company success
  2. Help meet up with preset company visions or missions.

Lastly, you must ensure the commitment of every team member to adhere to and uphold your values.

Build Trust Between Leaders and Team Members.

As stated earlier, defining your values will reconfigure the way you hire talents. You’ll now attract talents who believe in your values and vision.

That said, to establish trust, you must create a working environment with a seamless flow of information. An ambiance where leaders and team members make their availability transparent, with quick and professional communication and the willingness to help those facing any challenges.

Also, you can build trust by not hovering over employees. Provide them the space they need to function properly. For example, using time tracking software to monitor employees’ activities and take screenshots of what they’re doing could mean you don’t trust them.

Sustaining Culture

It’s great to build company culture, but what’s even more remarkable is sustaining it. Most remote companies fail because they believe it’s difficult to keep track of a remote team’s overall mood, and they, therefore, do not put in as much effort.

In reality, sustaining remote working culture is quite simple. However, you need a system in place. In that case, here are a few points to help you build your “culture sustainability system”.

  • Constant feedback loops
  • Setting team goals
  • Leveraging engagement channels, such as:
  • Company-wide meetings
  • Culture committee
  • Remote volunteering opportunities

Final Thoughts

Establishing remote working culture is paramount for overall company growth. In fact, research shows that companies with a corporate culture see continuous steady growth. This is no surprise as a well-structured culture means improved productivity, efficiency, and creativity.

Join our distributed community & embrace remote working through Upstack!

Originally published at on Sep 1, 2021, by Derek Johnson.

