As we enter the new year and reflect on the many lessons of 2020, we are considering how to leverage global HR trends and rethink our HR strategies for 2021 and the future of the workforce. Looking ahead to 2021, data literacy and competence will play fundamental roles at all levels of an organization and will be crucial to whether we survive and succeed as leaders. Although our future is uncertain, the biggest success stories in 2021 will be those organizations that are nimble and embrace new technologies while listening to stakeholders and respecting values.
We advise organizations to take the following steps to reconsider how work is done and what role the office will play in the future. We anticipate that a larger number of occupational health and wellbeing ambassadors will be a part of this next-generation workplace ecosystem. The above suggests, the physical office will continue to function as a future workplace with a redefined intent, but the true purpose of our work will continue to change.
The future of the office, which existed long before the Covid 19 pandemic, is that technological advances will lead to more work, which will ultimately lead to the decline of physical offices. The ability to let workers work remotely became commonplace in 2020 and will continue for years to come, but the next wave of flexibility will continue for a long time, especially if workers are expected to work from home. The future office although remote work has been commonplace since 2020, will continue for a number of years.
Virtual Recruiting is Here to Stay
Companies have dabbled in video interviewing and remote assessments in the past, but the COVID-19 lockdown has prompted them to create the first-ever end-to-end virtual recruiting process. They’re both noticing and appreciating the financial and time savings that the change has brought.
Businesses will need to fine-tune their virtual processes and, as they master the technology, search for ways to incorporate human elements back into their structures.
Establish a Sense of Remote Work Collaboration
Because remote work isn’t going away any time soon, businesses must adapt. Whether their workforce is virtual or a mix of in-person and remote workers, business leaders must consider challenges such as fostering community through software, ensuring collaboration, and overall network security. People miss each other the most, and the past year has demonstrated the importance of face-to-face communication. Business leaders are working to establish a sense of digital collaboration through technology, training, and shared activities such as lunch over Zoom.
Learning Content Curation
Curating high-quality content and tailored reviews for individual learners will be a key priority in 2021 as the demand for online learning grows. Given the vast amounts and high volume of content production sparked by the growing demand for online learning, this will assist learners in efficiently sifting through the various choices to find the right content.
Employee Well-Being and Work-Life Balance
Protecting employees’ wellbeing and reducing their tension became critical to operations, and organizations were forced to prioritize their physical and mental well-being as a matter of survival. Work and life, as well as health, protection, and well-being have become inextricably related. Recognizing the inextricable connection between our well-being, our jobs, and our lives has prompted more companies to consider how they can incorporate well-being into work so that both employees and the company can prosper in the future.
Flexibility Will Shift From Location to Time
Although allowing workers to work from home became more normal, the next phase of flexibility will come in the form of when employees are required to work. Organizations that allow workers to choose when, where, and how often they work are viewed as having a high-performing workforce. In 2021, we expect to see an increase in new employment where workers are judged based on their productivity rather than a collection of agreed-upon hours.
Remote Work Monitoring Keeps Employees Focused
Employees who work remotely are not the same as those who work in the office. It can be distracting, and workers can find it difficult to remain centered in such a setting. Employee productivity hours are tracked using remote employee tracking software. Employees are encouraged to remain concentrated and efficient during work hours as a result of this monitoring.
The new normal will also mean more partnerships, more collaboration, and more innovation, which we expect people to use the Internet to maximize their skills and talents, to rethink their lives and careers. There will be more work-life balance, less leisure time, fewer sick days, and fewer days off due to pandemics.
In The End…
The real estate sector has grown as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Construction and real estate firms have had to rapidly adapt to new demands as the workplace has grown beyond office buildings. Companies may consider flexible leadership, a move to suburban hubs, and an emphasis on collaborative work as they consider the changing needs of employers and workers to form the office of the future. Organizations will need to invest in future-proofed technologies to show better health and safety practices in their workplaces.
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Originally published at on Sep 20, 2021, by Sheetal Munjal.