The lack of tech resources has led both existing businesses and startups to trust remote developers and offshore vendors with their software ventures. However, there are reasons why you would rather refrain from outsourcing your software projects completely. As a start-up, you may want to maintain in-house expertise. You may already have an in-house development team at your disposal, but you may need to strengthen it with professionals who are specialized in a particular technology and able to perform specific tasks.
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What is Staff Augmentation?
Staff augmentation is a model of outsourcing partnership in which you recruit highly qualified resources on a temporary basis instead of permanently recruiting them. In simple words, you get highly trained and qualified workers from an organization that allows you to achieve all your project goals. Getting the experience of the flow of staff augmentation processes helps to assess the new team members. It also helps you to decide whether or not to recruit an external resource.
Your company’s success depends on providing the most up-to-date technologies and skilled team members to deliver the business and drive it. The massive up-front investments needed to hire a substantial number of technical experts or buy new equipment, however, are rarely a real-world choice.
How does it work?
Before starting to search for candidates, the first step you need to take is to determine what exactly you are looking for? You need to specify the exact amount of resources you want to recruit. When you understand what you’re searching for the next step is to start a search process. People make mistakes by pretending that it means the end of all hard work to sign a contract with the new candidates. It’s not real, though.
You must ensure that you have full support for the effective integration of your new workers during the onboarding period. When the integration process is over, the continuing support for the new hires must be continued. To ensure successful and productive cooperation, you must also obtain input and develop good relationships with them.
Benefits of Staff Augmentation
You have the ability to select the candidates individually with the staff augmentation and handle them with the methods you prefer. Basically, all logistical and administrative issues are taken over by the provider, while you get the chance to deal with your core duties and work with your augmented team.
Encourage Transparent Communications
Augmented employees function more remotely, so you should ensure that all lines of communication between augmented employees and members of your in-house team are available. Schedule daily meetings and ensure that you are on the same page regardless of geographical distance or time zone for the success of your project. It is equally important to provide workers with the appropriate platforms, such as an online communication hub, to share ideas with leaders and hire other colleagues to cross-pollinate ideas.
Define Team Roles
Open communication ensures that all roles and obligations are clearly identified within a project. When they know who is responsible for every particular task or procedure, new people can fit easily into the team.
Communication and Management Tools
We have several great resources to make remote team contact even simpler, whether it’s just to keep in touch or to develop a company’s culture. There are plenty of business resources out there to promote remote team management. Accessible on both a free and a subscription basis, applications like Jira, Asana, Slack, or Basecamp are great for interacting and monitoring your project status.
Minimize Time Consuming Recruiting and Hiring Processes
Staffing is not as straightforward as it sounds for your dream squad. The sourcing, interviewing and screening process requires lengthy hours and committed resources. By taking care of hiring, interviewing, reference confirmation, and background checks, staff augmentation services help you find the right applicant for the position, so that you have a list of targeted, eligible applicants based on your criteria.
Embrace Diversity And Inclusion
For recruiting, workplace diversity has been one of the biggest obstacles and top priorities. Diversity means that the workers have much more fruitful brainstorming sessions that lead to new ideas and strategies for people of different races, genders, ability levels, ages, geographies, and occupations, or simply people with different points of view. And, when everyone is included, understood, and respected, those interactions are more impactful.
Open Innovation to Anyone
To be creative, you do not need to be an engineer or researcher. New business methods that build efficiencies and save money, a better way of engaging with consumers that enhances quality, or a game-changing digital approach that disrupts the industry, for example, may be some of the most impactful concepts. Organizations should empower every employee to tap into their interests, cultivate their inner entrepreneur, think beyond their job position, and co-develop their concept with a team with a range of disciplines.
High Productivity Level
In comparison to a project outsourcing team that can handle several projects concurrently, staff increase allows a higher degree of efficiency because the developers focus on a single project 100% of their working time. Higher levels of motivation and commitment often mean working for one client and pursuing their big vision.
The increase in staff not only saves your time and money by giving you a competitive edge in new business opportunities and putting top IT and tech professionals in open positions but also gives you the freedom to fire people who may not be working. They receive the same benefits as full-time employees in terms of pay, benefits, and benefits. Increases in staff help an overloaded team and provide free time for other tasks that your full-time staff can do, such as improving knowledge of new technologies and new skills. By expanding your staff, you can pay for the work you need when it is needed while avoiding having to invest in the skills of current employees.
Why Choose Upstack to Augment your Team
Without much hassle, broaden your current team as Upstack helps you incorporate with the top 1% of developers to ensure successful recruiting that meets a particular set of business needs. With our vetted tech talent growth improve your current departmental efficiencies and scale your project. Our dedicated talent pool carries along the expertise needed to create learning materials when you remove the trouble of recruiting full-time specialists.
Upstack provides an all-in-one remote talent solution. The Upstack platform helps your company easily hire, retain, and motivate remote talent and build products that your users love.
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Originally published at on April 26, 2021, by Sheetal Munjal.